Library and Museum Use Guidelines
The Dyer Library provides access to all through its collections, programs, facilities and resources. The library is intended to provide a place for selecting materials, reading, researching, studying, writing, and attending library or community sponsored programs and meetings. We strive to serve our patrons effectively by providing a clean, welcoming and safe environment. We ask that visitors help us to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and community engagement by following these Library Use Guidelines.
To ensure a safe and positive experience for all, please do not:
● Engage in disruptive or unsafe behavior, including interfering with the use or operations of the library or museum by users or staff.
● Harass or intimidate library or museum users or staff.
● Use loud, abusive, or profane language.
● Leave a vulnerable adult or child unattended.
● Sleep in the library.
● Enter the library or museum with articles with a foul odor which, by that odor, impede use of the library by other patrons or staff.
● Leave personal items unattended.
● Enter the library or museum without shoes or clothing covering both your upper and lower torso.
● Solicit, distribute leaflets, or post notices in the buildings or on the property without permission from Dyer Library/Saco Museum management.
● Bring in animals other than service animals, or leave any animals in cars in the parking lot during warm or cold weather.
● Eat or drink at any computer station.
● The possession, use, and influence of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol are prohibited inside and outside the buildings; exceptions to the use of alcohol for approved programs must be brought to the Board of Trustees and are subject to their approval.
● Enter non-public or staff-only areas.
● Use staff computers or telephones.
● Use bicycles, skates, skateboards or similar items inappropriately on library property.
● Engage in any activity prohibited by the library’s computer and internet use guidelines.
● Use another person’s library card number without that person’s permission.
● Bring weapons of any kind into the library or museum.
● Deface library materials or the library or museum building, or remove library materials from the building without checking them out.
● Interfere with museum exhibition materials and artifacts.